法國精品包設計師Daniel Mirzapour
我與法國精品包設計師Daniel Mirzapour第一次合作是在今年五月底,他是一位伊朗建築師和室內設計師,同時又以自己名字自創包包品牌。我很高興能第三次收到他的邀約訊息。
這次的合作他希望繪製的畫面能帶入他即將上市的包款,而天馬行空的他傳給我一張他的初步構想圖(如下圖) ── 也就是當國王!!!!
由於Daniel Mirzapour他很喜愛伊朗的繪畫、文化、圖騰,因此經過幾天的資料收集與討論,這次的案件總算可以開始執行了!!!
由於這次案件的尺寸與精細度有別於我之前的案件,因此要花費的時間甚多!! 在繪製的過程中,滿心期待的Daniel Mirzapour除了偶爾會來關心我的進度外,也會用簡單的貼圖激勵我,讓我覺得挺有趣的 XD
在網路上看見這張照片的Daniel Mirzapour很俏皮地幫我後製了后冠並且用個大貼圖來回應我!!! 真心覺得他是一個可愛的人。
由於Daniel Mirzapour只購買電子檔的著作使用權(原價的2/3),所以本次繪製的原作將在MEHER CAFE展出,歡迎有興趣的人來店觀賞。這次的合作又是愉快的結束!!
Artist: Mieui Lin (Lin,Jia-Huei) Title: Portrait of Daniel Mirzapour Year: Sep. 27th. 2017 Medium: 520 * 760 (mm) ©Illustrations of Portraits were designed by Mieui Lin
以下是關於Daniel Mirzapour 的文章:
※Article from © Leora Sameni :
Daniel Mirzapour is an Iranian architect and interior designer. I learned about Daniel when I was commissioned by Araz Fazaeli– an Iranian designer based in Paris- to write the text of his FW16 collection that he presented at Les Suites boutiques, during Paris Fashion Week. Daniel, whose broad creative vision has landed him in several prestigious collaborations with Iranian and French luxury brands, created the clutches for Fazaeli’s Craft Never Dies collection. The two have collaborated before. His contemporary Ayeneh clutches of wood, leather, and inlays of mirror- for Fazaeli’s SS16 Qajar collection- are a bespoke piece of art, highlighting the Persian mirror crafts of the Qajar era and palaces.
Mirzapour’s work is colourful and bold. He is a creator in the broad sense, drawing inspiration from different cultures, eras and styles- realising a fine balance between Persian esthétique and heritage with Western codes of design. This is at best translated in his collage works, featuring luxury products or portraits of iconic fashion designers in a Persian setting.