忘了是哪一天夢見,總之呢如標題上所寫的,我很興奮與高興自己的肖像畫作品竟然能在美術館等級的地方展覽??!!! 美術館開展後我特地去了自己的專屬展覽室,想要確認這一切是否只是一場夢!? 直到我在展覽室的外面看見白牆上寫著自己的名字後,我才覺得這是「真的阿!!!???????」(當然這是夢)

這間美術館非常寬敞與空蕩,室內放置著一個大型的雕塑作品。不過說也奇怪,我的展覽室裡並沒有我的任何肖像畫作品,反而只有一個玻璃櫃,裡面放著類似裝飾藝術的物品,然後在呈現暗褐色的展覽空間裡飄著幾隻河豚!!!!! 參觀的民眾並沒有什麼反應,只有我看起來特別緊張?




河豚解夢 :


To see a puffer fish in your dream indicates that you have suppressed anger because of something. It means you are holding something in that is on the verge of erupting at any moment.

Alternatively, the dream suggests that others underestimate your capabilities or misjudge you. For instance, you want some assistance regarding your low grades, a puffer fish can provide you with it, puffer fish also indicates knowledge due to its domain, this creature assist you to loosen up and focus.

Underestimation of yourself doesn’t always suggest terrible performance, and often, others can see that the paintings you do are ideal or has potential. But because you’re in no way certain if you can do greater than what’s on your plate, you do not attain for other possibilities via yourself much.

Even in case you’ve gotten properly results in the past, you might wonder in case you’re consistent enough for it all to matter. You also might compare your capabilities and capabilities to others and feel like you can not likely dare to toot your very own horn given what others are doing and producing. It is probably tough for you to complete obligations that require you to identify your strengths.