名藝人許維恩的大姊許路兒(Lure Hsu)儘管年記在熟女階段,外型依舊亮眼,而她本身還是一位室內設計師。許路兒她的外貌與一般少女梅什麼差別,五官不只精緻,皮膚也相當白皙,讓人不敢相信已年過40!!! 她時常在社群網站上分享自己風格的穿搭,開始從台灣、日、韓,一路紅到歐洲,讓英國媒體《每日郵報》以「You’ll NEVER believe how old she is!」為標題來報導並撰寫她的文章後,也因此引發世界各地關注與熱議,讓許路兒她個人社群的粉絲瞬間暴增,也順勢成為時尚圈新寵兒!!! 而該篇報導寫到「許路兒給人的第一眼印象會以為她是學生」,給予其極高的評價。 雖然許路兒跟著藝人妹妹許維恩上過電視節目,但安靜沉穩且慢熟的她其實比較喜愛網路的社群世界,對於演藝圈等時尚場合不這麼嚮往。

You’ll NEVER Believe How Old She Is! Lure Hsu is an interior designer from Taiwan, she is the latest internet star who has stunned thousands of people with her incredibly youthful appearance. well, She will shortly be celebrating her 43nd birthday!!!!!!!! A fact which astonishes many on social media of which her following has grown exponentially since her ‘discovery’. Have a look at her Amazing and youthful looks here @lurehsu
