喬治娜·羅德里格斯(Georgina Rodríguez)她是足球超級明星C羅的女朋友,今年23歲,育有1女,現為模特兒,活耀於網路社群Instagram(ID:@georginagio)。而她有一張親切且氣質的臉蛋、溫暖的笑容和魔鬼的身材!所以她是大家都羨慕的完美女性(T_T…) !!!由於她平時穿的衣服幾乎是黑色、灰色和白色,因此我決定用Jason Wu的衣服和耳環來配合她! 我認為吳季剛(Jason Wu)他2018年春季這套洋裝及他替施華洛世奇設計的耳環,這兩樣商品可以讓喬治娜((Georgina)她看起來更具氣質卻不失性感! 最後背景以藍色比擬是海洋!她似乎很喜歡游泳及海邊!:) 我想如果我有這樣的身材,我會每天去海邊享受日光浴吧!!XD (開玩笑的)

Georgina Rodríguez is the girlfriend of Real Madrid and Portugal superstar Cristiano Ronaldo!!!!she is 23 years old, has a daughter, model, Instagram ID:@georginagio. She has a kind face, warm smile and perfect beach body! she is the envy of everybody(T_T…)!!!Since her usual clothing is almost black, gray and white, I decided to use clothes and earring of Jason Wu and swarovski to match her! I think this outfit makes her look more temperament and sexy!!!In the end, the background of this artwork is blue as a sea! She seems to enjoy swimming and the beach!:) Georgina Rodru00edguez.jpgI think if I have such a charming full-grown figure, I will go to the beach every day!! (JUST joking XD)

The following is the source of inspiration for my composition!