客戶詩婷的女兒最近打破了一個《The Silly Sheep》限量版的馬克杯,這杯子不但已經買不到了,重點它還是陪伴女兒五年回憶的紀念品!總之呢,在打破的當晚,客戶詩婷便決定找我客製化一張紀念《The Silly Sheep》馬克杯的插畫卡片訂製並且錶裝成畫框,讓寶貝女兒即便長大了,看到牆上的畫作還是依然想起那段童年回憶。

這《The Silly Sheep》馬克杯是畫家Jane Brookshaw作品中最受大眾歡迎的動物綿羊,作者以她著名的風格幽默地描繪了一群瘋狂的睜大眼睛和厚臉皮的笑容的綿羊們,而這群綿羊被牧羊犬安全地保護著!一群羊群聚在一綠色田野中,湛藍的天空中瀰漫著蓬鬆的白雲。我特地將他們全家人的模樣結合《The Silly Sheep》馬克杯上的圖案,意喻父親就像牧羊犬一樣守護著全家,而他們這一家就像《The Silly Sheep》會一直幸福地相親相愛著。


想了解Mieui Lin更多的作品資訊嗎? 可以至連結內參考更多唷!!!


以下是國外網站對於《The Silly Sheep》馬克杯的解釋與故事敘述: Dunoon fine bone china mugs are handcrafted in Staffordshire, England. They are produced to the highest quality using traditional methods which have been developed and refined over 3 family generations in the pottery industry. Orkney is a modern, straight sided mug which lends itself to contemporary patterns. It has a strap handle making it very comfortable to use.

Showcasing Jane Brookshaw’s popular cartoon animals, this mug features a field of sheep humorously sketched in her renowned style. With crazy wide eyes and cheeky grins, this flock of woolly fluffballs are being safely guarded by their sheepdog friends, and they won’t fail to make you smile! The scene sees a flock of oddball sheep gathered in a green field and a bright blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds. The mug includes further artistic flourishes such as sheep resting on the handle and a lone sheep sitting on the inside rim.

This mug is sure to appeal to young and old alike, and it makes a wonderful gift for anyone with a love for farm animals and rural motifs!