西班牙平面模特兒 Ángela Huete 和 Jesús Pérez Lafuente

Ángela Huete (安吉拉‧胡耶德)和Jesús Pérez Lafuente(耶穌‧貝雷斯‧拉富耶德) 他們現居於西班牙首都馬德里,他們平均年齡只有20初。安吉拉耶穌目前分別在Kling服飾展示中心(El showroom de Kling)及Peloni服飾展示中心(El showroom de Pelonio)工作,業餘則是平面模特兒;他們以另類的構圖、服飾及拍攝手法,在Instagram受到粉絲喜愛:他們稱Instagram為求職網,很多工作機會來自於這個網路社群。他們稱自己為〈Cuccioles〉,字義不但是一個半意大利人的意思,同樣也是小狗(西班牙文)的意思。他們表示這名稱代表著他們並不是真的要組成一個團體,而是隨著時間一點一點地新增更多團員形成一個團隊!

Ángela Huete (@angelahuete_) and Jesús Pérez Lafuente(@fideoindazopa) they living in the capital of Spain, Madrid, their average age of only 20 early. Ángela and Jesús are currently working at the Kling and the Peloni showroom and in they spare timeprint model. Their special composition, clothing and shooting style, being a fan favorite in Instagram and that is a job site they say, many jobs come from the Instagram. They call themselves “Cuccioles” that meaning not only the meaning of a half-Italian but also the meaning of a “cuccioli in Spanish.They say it is the name does not really want them as a group, But as time goes on to add more members to form a team!

Ángela-Huete-Jesús Pérez-Lafuente-Cuccioles

Artist: Mieui Lin (Lin,Jia-Huei)  
Title: Portrait of Ángela Huete and Jesús Pérez Lafuente
Year: May. 21th. 2017 
Medium: 148 * 210 (mm) 
©Illustrations of Portraits were designed by Mieui Lin