藝術策展經紀人 Ramy Baker

如果您喜歡看藝術等相關的展覽,不妨追蹤藝術策展人/藝術經紀人Ramy Baker的Instagram(@ramibaker1),而20世紀英國最有名的Pop-Art大師大衛.霍克尼(David Hockney)的粉絲專業目前交由Ramy Baker所經營!!!!!而大衛.霍克尼(David.Hockney)的作品風格綺麗並廣受愛戴,因此他在英國史上繼盧西安.弗洛伊德(Lucian Freud, 1922~2011)之後,第二位被英國女王頒發功績勳章的藝術家,世人稱之為「最受歡迎的在世畫家!!!!」(The World’s Most popular living painter)。而Ramy Baker除了平時幫他經營IG,也時常在各大展場、博物館、美術館裡逛世界名畫、當代藝術,順便挖掘新作品?!XD 如果我也能像他一樣那就更好啦!!! XD
I really love and enjoy it when Ramy Baker introducedes the great works of art! If you like to see art-related exhibitions, you might as well follow @ ramibaker1  in Instagram, Ramy Baker is a art curator / art dealer!!! by the way, David.Hockney of the most famous pop-art master in the UK in the 20th century that he’s fans page manages by Ramy Baker in Instagram!! That’s awesome!!! I also hope that I can go to a lot of art gallery and art museum to appreciate the works of my favorite artists, especially my love Egon Schiele !!

很高興當他收到我的作品時幫我推廣與分享 ^___^

Artist: Mieui Lin (Lin,Jia-Huei)  
Title: Portrait of Ramy Baker  
Year: Jul. 20th. 2017 
Medium: 148 * 210 (mm) 
©Illustrations of Portraits were designed by Mieui Lin