棉花糖等級的模特兒 Lucija Lugomer

Lucija Lugomer是我在看完常玉畫作的展覽後所追蹤的一位棉花糖等級的模特兒 (IG: lusiluer_plussizemodel)。我上網查詢關於她的相關資料,發現她原本是一位積極嘗試任何減肥方式、一度被送往醫院的肉胖女孩;經過慘痛的教訓,她開始接受肥胖的自己,試圖愛著自己,讓自己找到從未有過的美麗與自信!! 來自於克羅埃西亞共和國(Croatia)首都札格瑞布(Zagreb)的Lucija Lugomer,她自稱自己是克羅埃西亞國家中第一位加大尺碼的模特兒,而她也相信自己的自信能讓更多人改觀,模特兒不再是純屬於瘦子的世界!!

Croatia’s ‘first plus-size model’ : Lucija Lugomer

Lucija Lugomer is a plus-size model that I follow her on instagram, she a size 16-18 model from Croatia in Zagreb, and calls herself the first plus-size female model in the country and believes she is “breaking down the prejudices” with her attitude. However Lucija explained she had struggled with body image in the past and went on extreme diets, even being admitted to hospital at one point. she is standing up for women all over the world by accepting her body and refusing to lose weight for the catwalk. Finally, thank you for her favorite of my work, she said: 「How cool this?! I get love from Taiwan! you are amazing!!!」I’m so happy hahaha XD
***ps:Some articles come from Daily Mail online***

而值得興奮地事情是Lucija Lugomer分享了我的作品並且寫著:
「How cool this?! I get love from Taiwan! you are amazing!!!」
我很訝異她竟然有去查詢我來自於哪個國家??!!!XD 突然能感受到為何台灣選手在國外得獎時都會說自己來自於台灣! 這是一種希望自己國家被更多人們注意到並且因國家而感到驕傲!


Artist: Mieui Lin (Lin,Jia-Huei)  
Title: Portrait of Lucija Lugomer
Year: Jul. 20th. 2017 
Medium: 148 * 210 (mm) 
©Illustrations of Portraits were designed by Mieui Lin